For all parents/carers 17th July 2022
It is hard to believe that the time has come for Clapham Preschool to say ‘goodbye’ to 28 of our children who are moving up to reception classes in their respected ‘big’ schools.
It has again been a very tough year for all with COVID still upon us, and now the ‘red alert heat wave’. Like every other time we will follow guidance from our local authority Beds Borough and the Department of Education Dfe. Like Sam has already put pictures on the app and fb showing what we have done to keep our children safe and healthy. Water bottles are refilled for children at all times and shaded areas for outdoor play. With our high ceilings and open windows and doors at all times children have the choice of indoor or outdoor play and believe it or not most children choose to play indoors. There is a lot of water play outdoors.
This year even though COVID numbers were on the rise we were able to take part in transition programs for children in their respected lower schools. With the cohort of children going to Ursula Taylor, we did have one visit from Mrs Moore prior to their 2 transition days. Children were very excited for visiting Ursula Taylor C of E School and shared lovely moments of being at their new school with us when they returned to Preschool (although we feel that it did somehow confuse them). My team and I would like to wish each and every child all the very best for the future and hope that you will all enjoy your next pathways of education in school and continue to build on your friendly partnerships with peers and adults.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my team for their hard work during this tough year – Rachel for her role as a deputy, Phili as SENDCO for the setting, Suzanne as admin support. Not forgetting all the other staff – Room 3 Spomenka with communication and Language support, settling in and doing the successful transition for a Ukranian little boy, Suzanne, Sam Spavins and Sadie for her role as 1:1. Well done and thank you to you all.
Room 2
Phili as Sendco and 1:1, Virginija supporting 1:1 and another language support for another little Ukranian boy, as well as being a Mental Health First Aider for the setting. Zoe and Amy doing their Level 3 and Amy of course being pregnant and finishing with us at the end of this term for maternity. All room 2 staff are keypersons as well. So thank you so so much.
Room 1
Rachel as Safeguarding Officer – what a year but well done for working with the team, Cheriane settling in with little cryers!!! Some still doing it!! And Nicole as well as being a practitioner you prepare the snack for rooms one and two. My wonderful team I very humbly say a huge thank you to you all for keeping our children safe, happy and adventurous in our setting. This includes all of you who do lunches as well ‘thank you.’
Of course, all this does not come without continuous professional development – Amy and Zoe nearly finishing their Level 3 in child care. Zoe nearly there with Lift Off to Language and Phili doing her Level 3 in Special Educational Needs. Ladies all the very best in near completions and well done.
This year also saw us all working within the new curriculum of Early Years Foundation Stage Reforms for each of our children. The curriculum has still the seven areas of learning and development but works in age band of years rather than months. Well done team for embarking on the new EYFS curriculum.
This brings me to say my huge thank you to Sam in the office who does all the registers, hot dinners, shopping, insurances, paying staff and the list goes on…. Thank you Sam. Ladies my hat off to you all. Well done.
Our transitions within the setting have also been happening with our Room 2 children moving into Room 3. With numbers so great for the next school year we will be working in two rooms for children in ‘school readiness.”
We will be welcoming 15 new children and their families to Preschool next academic year. That is the number so far.
We are also looking at recruiting two to three more staff for next year. We will keep you updated.
Lastly I would like to wish all children and their families a lovely summer break, not forgetting my team who have given me support throughout the year – I wish you all to have a well earned summer break and safe travels to back home to visit family.
Phili and Suzanne lets do two weeks of summer club before we have our break!!!
Everyone keep safe and we are back on the 5th September 2022 for children and my lovely team we are back on the 1st September 2022 for training, home visits and getting ready for academic year 2022/2023.
Amy all the best on the near arrival of Baby De Luca!!!!
All my love and sincere thanks to you all.
Kamal Bahra – Manager and Early Years Professional for Clapham Preschool.