General Info

Illness and Medication
If your child is unwell or has an infection please keep them at home and inform us as to the nature of the infection so that we can alert other parents. Please do not bring into the preschool any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last episode. This is to reduce the risk of affecting other children and staff.
No medication will be administered by staff at the setting, unless it is under long term basis and without the medication the child is unable to attend. These cases will be reviewed by the manager and keyperson in partnership with parents/carers by having a Care Plan in place supported by a letter from a Health Organisation e.g. Doctors or Hospital.
The only medication on the premises will be for Asthma sufferers and Piriton. All asthma sufferers will have a Care Plan in place and permission must be gained from parents/carers for the administration of Piriton in an emergency which is on the registration form.
All accidents are recorded on individual accident forms and the injury marked on the body map. These forms need to be signed by the parent/carer, this is part of our health and safety requirements. If a serious accident occurs, then the emergency numbers will be contacted immediately and medical advice sought.
The Library
Within the Preschool there is a comfortable book corner in each room, where children are able to calmly explore books together. We also run a borrowing system, whereby children are able to borrow a book from preschool on a weekly basis and share them together at home. This will allow children to share their chosen books from preschool with you at home. This practice supports the learning and development area of literacy enabling children to gain interest in books.
We at Clapham Preschool take an active role in training child care students. Students offer a valuable input in to the setting and the team at preschool are able to pass on their knowledge and experience and set an example of good practice. Students will not be left unsupervised.
How parents take part in the preschool
We recognise that parents are the first and most important educators of their children. There are many ways in which parents take part in making the preschool a welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents, such as:
- Exchanging knowledge about their children’s needs, activities, interests and progress with the staff;
- Helping at sessions of the preschool;
- Sharing their own special interests with the children;
- Helping to provide, make and look after the equipment and materials used in the children’s play activities;
- Being part of the management committee of the preschool:
- Joining in community activities in which the preschool takes part; and
- Building friendships with other parents in the preschool.
Withdrawing from Preschool
If you wish to withdraw your child from preschool, either completely or from a single session we require 4 weeks’ notice.
Purchase Uniforms
Purchase your child’s uniform through our online shop.
Enrol Your Child
Enquire about enrolling your child at Clapham Preschool today.
Contact Clapham Preschool
Address: King George Playing Field, High St, Clapham, Bedford MK41 6BS
Phone: 01234 341 142

Contact Details
King George Playing Field, High St, Clapham, Bedford MK41 6BS
01234 341 142